I participated in the UOttawa Designathon, a fierce 2 day design competition where the designs are relevant to global headlines ranging from pod housing on Mars to solutions to clean up our oceans. My team and I chose to tackle ocean cleaning and design a solution for it. We decided to focus on collecting and removing floating plastics and debris on top of the ocean. Like many well know inventions, our solution was inspired by natural specifically the ray fish. We wanted our solution to glide effortlessly across the water without disturbing the environment and wild life. We called our solution The Stingray. The Stingray has a wide body to ensure a smooth ride and to limit the chance of rollovers. To collect the floating debris The Stingray has 2 arms in front, when open they funnel the debris to the middle. In middle lays a conveyer belt that grabs the debris and lifts it to the disposal dump. To make our design more efficient, the disposal dump utilizes a hydraulic pump to compress all that plastic enabling The Stingray to carry a bigger load during each run.
Since this was our first Designathon, unfortunately we did not win, but it was a great and an intense experience overall and for sure I will be participating in next year's Designathon.